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发布时间:2016/10/24 访问次数:

       为促进中美学术交流与学科发展,普渡大学(美国)与必赢网址bwi4372014年创建了“普渡大学-必赢网址bwi437中国研究联合中心”(Purdue University – Nanjing Agricultural University Joint Center for China Studies,简称PNJCCS)。双方商定每年轮流承办一次关于中国研究的学术论坛。第二届论坛于2016年10月16-22日在美国印第安纳州西拉法叶市普渡大学举行,由普渡大学历史系主任道格拉斯赫特(R.Douglas Hurt)教授领衔承办。会议主题:Economic and Social Transformation in Modern China。
       除了考察交流之外,在为期三天的学术研讨会上,中方代表团团长王思明教授作了大会主题报告“American Agriculturists in China and the Development of Chinese Modern Agriculture, 1898- 1948”;公司教师代表分别就“The Process and Cause of Production Fluctuation Between Asiatic Cotton and American Cotton in Hebei Province During the Time of the Republic of China”、“A Study on the Sino-U.S. Exchange and Cooperation in Soil and Fertilizer Science during the Modern Times”、“Formation and Influence of the Interest Groups Water Control Works during the Jiaquin-Daoguang Period”、“The Types of U.S. Wheats Introduced to China by Xu Cai, A Wheat Breeder, and the Underlying Effects (1946-1966)”、“Tea Trade between China and America in the Eighteenth Century and Its Effects on American Society”、“From Internal Cause to External Cause: The Change of American and British Attitudes on the Ining Incident Before and After the Cold War Erupting”、“The Early Dissemination and Utilization of Pumpkin”作学术报告,并和与会代表进行了广泛、深入的交流,中方与美方学者的全英文学术交流尤其引人注目,会议取得了圆满成功。王思明教授最后代表中方主办方致闭幕词,本届会议论文集将由中国农业科技出版社结集出版。双方共同商定第三届中国研究联合中心论坛将于2017年10月在必赢网址bwi437举行,会议主题:丝绸之路与中外农业交流。(